A Comprehensive Guide for .NET Developer Jobs

A Comprehensive Guide for .NET Developer Jobs


For developers, development of an application software is essentially the primary task that is associated with them, but it’s not enough to just be aware of some programming languages. developing also requires knowledge of libraries, frameworks etc. This is where .NET holds true for those in .NET developer jobs. .NET framework is a framework for software development. The collection of softwares under .NET framework allows for creation of application access. NET Core is similarly a platform for framework for building applications, It allows for cross platform development. It has been rebranded as .NET in the latest update. However, with the latest released version of .NET framework version in 2019 and the build in 2021 there has been no further plans for updates. Before .NET was developed, it was the predominant implementation of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). In contrast to the .NET framework, .NET/.NET core is still updated and supported.

This article will cover the most relevant subjects for aspirants to .NET developer jobs. These include the features of .NET, its differences with the platform and framework, the job opportunities for applicants to .NET developer jobs, and the questions anyone hiring for .NET developer jobs should ask.

Features for .NET Developers:

For people looking to pick up the .NET framework or core, or looking for .NET developer jobs, these are some of the basic features that they should look for while working with them.

Some of the Features that .NET offers include:

Common Language Runtime: 

The Common Language Runtime is a common execution environment for .NET applications. It also allows for interoperability between different .NET languages such as C#, Visual Basic and Visual C++ by providing a common execution environment.

Common Type System: 

It is meant to ensure data integrity between code written in different programming languages and that there is no data loss when there is transference of data between languages, Both value and reference data types are supported.

Intermediate Language (IL): 

This is how .NET allows multi language support. It allows for the source code to be converted from that to intermediate language (IL) to native code. Outside of this, the base data types are identical.

Framework Class Library: 

The .NET framework includes a large class library called Framework Class Library (FCL) and provides operability between different languages. The Framework Class Library is responsible for providing UI, data access, database connectivity, etc. and developers can combine their source code with .NET framework.

Additional Tools: Outside of the features mentioned above, there are also additional tools available such as : compilers, automatic resource managers and debugging support.

The Components of .NET Applications

.NET at present supports over 60 different languages with 11 languages developed by Microsoft itself. The primary .NET components are:

Common Language Runtime (CLR): 

This was referred to previously as a feature of .NET. Outside on the interoperable runtime environment and interoperability, it is also responsible for converting from source code to native code. There are two steps involved in converting from source code to native code where it is first converted to a Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) and then into native code using JIT compilers. For the first part, there are 15 language compilers available for conversion. Some of the components of CLR are:

Garbage Collector (GC): 

This is responsible for automatic memory management of objects and removing useless objects from memory. Memory here is divided into three generations beginning from 0 to 2. A newly created object is stored in the Zeroth generation and this occurs until the entire storage for Generation 0 is filled. The objects that are stored may either be marked or according to the second option which is to remove an early marked object and the remaining ones are transferred to generation 1. This process is also repeated for generation 2. There are 3 separate methods for data removal. These are:

Collect Method: This is used to forcefully remove the object from memory.
Finalize Method: This is used to clean up the object from memory when it is called by the system.
Dispose Method: This is used to remove the object from memory that has no reference and is called by the user.

JIT Compilers: 

This component of CLR that is responsible for compiling the MSIL code and generating the Native code. The three types are:

Normal Compiler: The default JIT compiler that compiles the code line by line and it stores the cache of compiled code. The compiler code that is stored in the cache can be used whenever stored again.
Econo JIT Compiler: This compiles a selected line of code without containing the cache of compiled code. They are removed once they are not required and at present, it is presently considered as obsolete from dotnet 2.0.
Pre JIT Compiler: This compiles the code from top to bottom and stores the cache of compiled code.This compilation is performed at application deployment time and it is always implemented in the Ngen.exe (Native Image Generator).
Common Type System: The Common Type System is responsible for declaring, using and managing types in the CLR. They are responsible for cross-language integration while ensuring type safety, high performance code execution, and defining rules that language must follow.

Common Language Specification:

 The Common Language Specifiction is a subset of CLR. They are useful when different programming languages are referred to in the same solution.

The Roadmap for those Aspiring to .NET Developer Jobs

The roadmap for those aspiring for .NET developer jobs is available on github. 

It covers the recommended prerequisites, general development skills, basics, testing, etc. for those aspiring to .NET developer jobs.

Common .NET Developer jobs

If you aspire to .NET developer jobs, then outside of the obvious application jobs, there are also other career options available. As such, listed below are some of the job careers possible to those looking for .NET developer jobs:

Front-end Developers: 

Outside of developing applications to be used directly, .NET developers are also expected to be able to develop web applications. As such. They are also generally experienced in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and similar front-end tools. As such, they can also seek jobs as front-end developers.

Full-stack Developers: 

While fullstack may deal with both the front and back-end of the website, a .NET developer can still find employment in this role.This is due to the fact that .NET developers are also trained in using database tools or systems such as Oracle, SQL etc.

App Developers: 

.NET developers can find jobs primarily as app developers as well. This is due to the fact that .NET is a platform that is used in software development. As such,this is the default career path for .NET developers.


While other positions may not be obvious to .NET developers, there is opportunity here. These include software testing and debugging, along with fields like database management..

Common Interview Questions to ask Applicants for .NET Developer Jobs

Below are listed some of the important points/questions that can be asked to accurately gauge an applicant for .NET developer jobs potential or at least their theoretical knowledge.

  1. Compare and contrast the features, pros and cons between .NET framework and .NET core?
  2. What are the primary benefits/features provided by .NET framework/ .NET core that are not available in the other?
  3. What are the components of .NET? As someone applying for .NET developer jobs, how do you use them?
  4. How to handle error debugging as someone with .NET developer jobs?

How to handle garbage collection and what type day removal must be called by you as someone with a .NET developer jobs?

The questions above mostly focus on the theory and as such, it is better suited for those looking for junior .NET developer jobs. This is to make sure that the applicants for the .NET developer jobs have a working understanding of the base theory with anything outside of that being trainable by the company. As such, They are the some of the standard questions for any interview for .NET developer jobs at an entry level, but having a theoretical understanding is not a certain guarantee for actual competency as many senior developers instead focus on managing junior developers, handling unprecedented situations and generally form the roadmap to a project. It;s no different for those working on .NET developer jobs.

The better alternative for testing senior, experienced .NET developers is by using the examples of specific use-case problems and how they would deal with them. As mentioned before, applicants for senior .NET developer jobs often have to deal with unique situations or management more than development, the ability to troubleshoot, error testing or plan.

As an applicant for .NET developer jobs, what additional skills do you possess?

If an applicant has previous experience with .NET developer jobs, asking about their previous experience with projects and so on is a good gauge of ability, though it is advised to have an expert to act as a fact-checker.

Common Differences between .NET and .NET framework for those aspiring to .NET Developer Jobs

The common differences between the two should be known to anyone aspiring to .NET developer jobs or anyone hiring one are as follows:

.NET core .NET framework
.NET core is a platform that provides all the basic requirements for app development and acts as a support base for frameworks and languages. .NET framework is a framework that provides all the basic requirements for app development.
.NET Core is an open-source platform. .NET framework has certain open source components but is otherwise proprietary.
It is compatible with Windows and Linux and mobile OSes such as Android and iOS. It has compatibility with Windows OS only.
.NET core offers microservices support but does not possess any WCR services support. .NET framework does not offer microservices support but it does possess REST services support and WCF services support.
.NET provides high scalability and performance but no code access. .NET framework has code access security but less in scalability and performance.
It possesses both a lightweight CLI (Command Line Interface) and IDE (Integrated Design Environment). It is too heavy for CLI.

Expected Salary of .NET Developer Jobs

Like all forms of occupation, the salary in .NET Developer jobs is dependent on geography, rank, company and qualification. 

In India for instance, the salary of .NET developer jobs can be represented as follows:

  • Lower end salary is ₹182 LPA
  • Average end salary is ₹434 LPA
  • Higher end salary is ₹1 MPA

In the United States, the salary of .NET developer jobs can be represented as follows:

  • Lower end salary is $88 KPA
  • Average end salary is $105 KPA
  • Higher end salary is $132 KPA

In the United Kingdom, the salary of .NET developer jobs can be represented as follows:

  • Lower end salary is £45 KPA
  • Average end salary is £37.5 KPA
  • Higher end salary is £62.5 KPA

In Australia, the salary of .NET developer jobs can be represented as follows:

  • Lower end salary is $100 KPA
  • Average end salary is $120 KPA
  • Higher end salary is $151 KPA

In Canada, the salary of .NET developer jobs can be represented as follows:

  • Lower end salary is $87.5 KPA
  • Average end salary is $72.5 KPA
  • Higher end salary is $120.3 KPA

In Germany, the salary of .NET developer jobs can be represented as follows:

  • Lower end salary is €33 KPA
  • Average end salary is €50 KPA
  • Higher end salary is €68 KPA

The given data is just an approximation as the general salary in .NET developer jobs tends towards the lower end, as seen from the above salary.

Common Sites to Hire for .NET Developer Jobs

These are some of the best sites for hiring for .NET developer jobs:


Optymize is an up and comer, among the freelance platforms. This avoids the rat-race of the big brands and the focus instead is on helping individual freelancers to be able to present their talents to potential clients the best way that they can. The .NET developer jobs applicants there have been thoroughly verified and Optimize will do the rest.


Toptal is one of the most elite freelance platforms in the world, including for .NET developers.. Only 3% of candidates pass the rigorous examinations necessary only to have their contact information placed on the website. For many well-established companies, it’s an excellent place to pick up talent for whatever needs that your company has. 


Hire senior .NET developers with great technical and communication abilities at competitive costs from Turing, ready to work in your timezone. This is an amazing service for finding .NET developers who meet the requirements of your project.

Common Misconceptions to avoid for those aspiring to .NET Developer Jobs

There are several misconceptions regarding .NET that can be often attributed to .NET framework’s previous rules. So, let’s go over some of the issues that often plague those looking for .NET developer jobs and should help prevent companies from making mistakes while hiring them. These include:

.NET is better than .NET framework in every way

.NET framework is currently not under any planned updates unlike .NET. However, it still provides some advantages such as being better than .NET in terms of security and WCF support. As such, don’t expect that those with .NET developer jobs will overtake those who work on .NET frameworks.

.NET is only a Windows OS compatible software developer platform

This was true for .NET frameworks, not for those in .NET developer jobs. .NET core is compatible with different OSes. The example presented before include Android and iOS for mobile devices and Windows, macOS and Linux for computer devices.

Those with .NET developer jobs only work with desktop and mobile applications 

While those in .NET developer jobs work mostly with the above two, they can also wear other hats and take up different jobs as mentioned above. Some of those include front-end/full stack, software testing, etc.

.NET is suited for only app developers

.NET developer jobs are not limited to app development as stated above. This can also be used for front-end developers due to its usability in creating web apps.

.NET is a proprietary software

This was true for .NET framework, but for those that intend to work in .NET developer jobs, they thankfully don’t have to bother with this. The .NET platform is thankfully open source so, they don’t have to bother with this.

Wrapping Up

.NET developer jobs are growing in number, and seeing how they allow for over 60 different languages, it is no surprise. So, for many aspirants who want to work in a team that works with many different languages, aspiring to .NET developer jobs is a good idea. At present, .NET developer jobs may not be listed as such, but if you look far enough and if you learn the various skills required, then .nET developer jobs is the career path for you.



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